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Soaring into Courage

teen Girls therapy group discussing managing anxiety.jpg

A Camp for Girl Age 11-13

June 15 - 19, 2024

9 am - 12 pm

13500 Midway Rd Ste 401


What to expect

Day 1

Get to know you!

Campers will spend some time getting to know each other and setting group expectations. Campers will also learn what anxiety exactly is, how it functions in the body, and why we experience it. A snack will be provided.

Day 3

Not the ANTS!

ANTs is an acronym that stands for automatice negative thoughts. Campers will discovery the different catagories of anxiety and how to fight them! A snack will be provided. 

Day 5

Reflecting on your courage

Campers will reflect on what they have learned through out the week through activities and games. Campers will leave with pictures and self created positive affirmations reflecting their journey!

Day 2

Whatchu talking about

Day two is focused on discovering what makes a person anxious and how your self talk can greatly influences how you feel. Campers will practice changing negative self talk to positive and learn how to build each other up. A snack will be provided.

Day 4

Strengths and Qualities

On day 4 we will build off our positive self talk to start changing the narrative we tell ourselves. Campers will identify their strengths and qualities in themselves and each other. Campers will them use that new info to create a realistic and confident picture of themselves. A snack will be provided.

Ready to sign up!?

Click here to register and fill out our form. Someone will be in contact shortly to answer any questions.

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